Contributor Minutes on 2022-07-09
- Canarypwn (Canary)
- Mag Mell (Saki)
- Mingcong Bai (Bai)
- Neruthes
- RedL0tus (Salted Fish)
- Ruikai Liu (Rick Liu)
- Zixing Liu (Liu)
Wallpaper Audition
Lin Zhimin: Golden Gate
- OriginCode: United States flag? May not be appropriate for default wallpaper.
- Liu, Salted Fish: Not a big deal.
- Salted Fish: We could just ask Lin to edit it out.
Conclusion: Admitted, suggest revision.
Lin Zhimin: 华灯初上
- Bai: Let's forgo this one, it looks smeared.
- Liu: Upscaled?
- Salted Fish: Ask for resubmission, may be compressed.
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Flickr compression).
Lin Zhimin: Oh Deer!
- Bai: Lin should remove "(Said Jeff)" from title, no one would understand.
Conclusion: Admitted, pending title change.
Lin Zhimin: Full Moon
- Bai: Also needs resubmission. Blurry.
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Flickr compression).
Lin Zhimin: 拨云见日
Conclusion: Admitted.
Leo Shen: Spring
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Leo Shen: Dusk
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
m0g1c1an: Summer・UMass
Conclusion: Admitted.
m0g1c1an: Lone Wild
Conclusion: Admitted (may be too bright).
m0g1c1an: 三藩剪影
Conclusion: Admitted.
m0g1c1an: St. Brigid's Parish
- Bai: Questionable - religious symbol.
- Liu: Not a big deal, it's only contextual in this photograph.
Conclusion: Admitted.
m0g1c1an: Congregation Mickve Israel
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: Land Boulevard at Longfellow Bridge
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: Irondequoit-Wayne County Expressway
- Liu: Low quality, shaky camera? Also redundant with Land Boulevard.
- Bai: Seconded, reject?
- Liu: Agreed.
- Bai: Seconded, reject?
Conclusion: Rejected.
cth451: Tower City Center
- OriginCode: Questionable - people.
- Bai: Seconded, upon rule 3.
Conclusion: Rejected.
cth451: Strafford Station
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: Train to Malvern
- Liu: Questionable - logo.
- Bai: Seconded, reject.
- Salted Fish: Suggest edition, smear out train logo "Septa."
Conclusion: Admitted, on condition of revision ("Septa" logo).
cth451: Big Steps
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: Presque Island Beach 11
- Bai: Why "11" at the end?
- Liu: Human face?
- Salted Fish: Only side view, shouldn't be a problem.
Conclusion: Admitted, consider dropping "11" from title.
cth451: Presque Isle Lighthouse
- Liu: Trademark - "Vega Industries Ltd."
Conclusion: Admitted, on condition of revision (trademark).
cth451: Take a Peek
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: South Vaulted Walkway
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: Luray in Ray
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: Luray in Twilight
- Liu: Too much noise, may be a problem for higher resolution displays.
- Salted Fish: Could be considered artistic.
Conclusion: Admitted.
cth451: Oat Grass
Conclusion: Admitted.
Ruikai Liu: Lake Mendota Blue
Conclusion: Admitted.
Ruikai Liu: Lakeshore Path Greenness
Conclusion: Admitted.
Ruikai Liu: Capitol Dawn
Conclusion: Admitted.
Ruikai Liu: Lakeshore Bike Path
Conclusion: Admitted.
ALANZ: Material Tower
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: Material Tower 2
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: Tux
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: Shanghai Clearing House
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: SIST
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: Moon & Earth
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: DNA
Conclusion: Admitted.
CZ: Sky
Conclusion: Admitted.
CZ: Windows
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: Moon
Conclusion: Admitted.
Canarypwn: Adobe Master Edition
Conclusion: Rejected, trademark.
Canarypwn: NVIDIA
Conclusion: Rejected, trademark.
Neruthes: Rainy Lily
Conclusion: Admitted.
Neruthes: Aqua Blue
- Saki: Too similar to OS X Tiger's original wallpaper.
- Salted Fish, Rick: Seconded.
Conclusion: Rejected, possible strike.
ZiXu: 夕阳·青草坡
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
ZiXu: 蜂和日丽
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
ZiXu: 金鸡菊
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
ZiXu: 夕阳·青草坡
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
ZiXu: 蟋戏花间
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Timothy
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Clover Rover
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Road to Bliss
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Blissful Electrons
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Blissful Dusk
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Bliss
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Sunset over the Empire
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Forsaken Frontier
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Voxels
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Chicane
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Timothy
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: The World Beyond
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Desert Rain
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Baking in Nature
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Resiliance
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Collapse
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Thorns of Life
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Spring Chicane
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Verdant Sea
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Windward Gaze
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Sentinels of Wind
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Closing Time
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Night Light
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: To the Cosmos
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Regina Caeli
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Toxic Ecstacy
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Collapse
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Night at the Pub
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
Mingcong Bai: Mighty Little People
Conclusion: Admitted, pending resubmission (Imgur compression).
megabitsenmzq: Piece of Light
Conclusion: Admitted.
Robin Lu: Pudong Airport
- Salted Fish: A little bit too upscaled look...
- Saki: I think it looks quite good actually.
Conclusion: Admitted.
TheSaltedFish: All is Well
Conclusion: Admitted.
TheSaltedFish: Barren Solstice
Conclusion: Admitted.
TheSaltedFish: Nightfall
- Rick Liu: Trademark, "Climate Pledge Arena."
- Salted Fish: I can edit that out.
Conclusion: Admitted, on condition of revision (trademark).
TheSaltedFish: 114514 or any other number
Conclusion: Admitted.
TheSaltedFish: Rainbow Tree
Conclusion: Admitted.
TheSaltedFish: Sonne
Conclusion: Admitted.
TheSaltedFish: Viridescent Tango
Conclusion: Admitted.
Maria Bombardier: Beach
- Bai: Why is there a light streak down the middle?
- Salted Fish: Taken through a window?
- Bai: I call for a rejection out of that light streak.
- Salted Fish: Seconded.
Conclusion: Rejected, quality not up to par.
Maria Bombardier: My Island
Conclusion: Admitted.
Maria Bombardier: KJ-2000 in Residential Buildings
- Bai: Questionable - military logo. But if we reject this, we would need to reject Golden Gate as well.
- Liu: Well, I think it's not very obvious.
- Saki: Confidential detail?
- Bai: Not really.
- Salted Fish: Best to ask where it was taken, if it's too close to an air force base, it's technically a spying offence.
- Bai: We might as well reject, there are too many risk factors.
- Saki: Seconded.
Conclusion: Rejected, military logo and risky location.
Maria Bombardier: Old Times in Shanghai Hongqiao Station
Conclusion: Rejected, trademark, quality not up to par.
Maria Bombardier: A Corner of a Harbour
- Rick Liu: Also risky?
- Bai: It's police boat, shouldn't be a problem.
- Saki: I also think it's not of very good quality.
- Rick Liu: Also military vessel.
- Liu: This is probably a military harbour, enough reason to reject.
Conclusion: Rejected, risk factors, quality not up to par.
Maria Bombardier: Watching You
Conclusion: Admitted, crop pending (dark spot on right edge).
Maria Bombardier: Yellow Sea Vision
- Liu: Not very good quality, but not too bad.
Conclusion: Admitted.
Maria Bombardier: Mount Lao
Conclusion: Admitted.
Maria Bombardier: Bottle-Neck Channel
- Liu: Again, bad quality.
- Bai: Seconded.
- Rick Liu: Not even sure where he was focusing on.
- Salted Sea: Probably taken with a phone.
Conclusion: Rejected, quality not up to par.
Maria Bombardier: Dujiangyan City
Conclusion: Admitted, ask for resubmission (compression?).
Maria Bomardier: Fish Mouth Leeve
Conclusion: Admitted, ask for resubmission (compression?).
Wallpaper Vote Planning
- Bai: How and when should we go about voting for the default?
- Liu: I think we need to use Telegram.
- Salted Sea: Seconded.
- Bai: One group for display and another for voting, as with 2020?
- Liu: That should work, maybe we could bind the two groups together.
- Canary: Maybe we could use reactions?
- Liu: Could be a mess, let's not.
- Bai: Let's just stick to a good old vote.
- Rick Liu: Maybe we could set a specific emoji?
- Liu: Some clients still don't support reactions, also it's more work than necessary.
- Liu: I think we need to use Telegram.
- Bai: We might also need a few days of lead time for resubmission and revisions. Let them have until Monday?
- Liu: Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday? Monday would be too hasty.
- Saki: I second Monday.
- Bai: Let's just make it midnight before Thursday, UTC +8 time.
- Bai: Exception for the 114514 wallpaper against being voted a default wallpaper?
- Rick Liu: But it will help us with garnering new users LOL.
- Liu: Indeed, it's a dirty joke - but it could remain in the wallpaper pack.
- Saki: Or we could just reject it.
- Liu: Not appropriate, it's not against the rule.
- Bai: Seconded.
- Liu: Not appropriate, it's not against the rule.
- Bai: Should we just make 2nd place for default Retro wallpaper to save a vote?
- Saki: No, they have very different visual targets.
- Bai: So let's just make two votes.
- Saki: No, they have very different visual targets.
Codename Nomination Planning
- Bai: How should we go about collecting codenames? Google Forms?
- Salted Fish: Let's stick with GitHub, Google Forms could be a mess with redundant submissions.
- Bai: When should we do it?
- Liu: Just during wallpaper votes?
- Bai: Should we limit nomination for each person?
- Liu: No.
- Salted Fish: Seconded, as we did before.
- Liu: No.
- Bai: Notify for revisions and rejections, as well as deadlines.